Case Study:

Pakko – Empowering Accessible Packaging with Purpose


Empowered team driving rapid growth

Team Unity

Bridging gaps between departments


improved marketing attracting new clients

Pakko specialises in creating, manufacturing, and delivering functional packaging for brands across industries. CEO and Founder, Nina Nguyen, has taken the Brisbane-based company to new heights following their leadership team’s participation in The Where and The Why Workshop in February 2022.

Out of the Box Thinking: Leadership Alignment

“We decided to embark on The Where and The Why Workshop because our leadership team needed to align our vision and goals before sharing them with the rest of the team,” says Nina. “We wanted to ensure that we all saw eye to eye on everything.”

“The Workshop encouraged open discussions and consensus-building,” Nina explained. “It gave everyone a platform to freely express their opinions about Pakko’s future openly with an unbiased external facilitator.”

“We came up with a Moonshot (Our Where) and Purpose (Our Why) through The Where and The Why Workshop, and also co-created a Plan on a Page and Implementation Plan to get started on projects immediately after.” says Nina.

Strategic Plan Poster

After the Workshop, Pakko initiated a comprehensive induction process to align the entire team with The Where and The Why. Nina shared, “We wanted every team member to understand how we arrived at our strategic plan, emphasising transparency and a shared purpose. We did an internal launch, so the whole team would understand where we were headed, and why we’re on the journey.”

Moonshot Measurement and Progress Tracking

Through The Where and The Why Workshop, Pakko set an ambitious Moonshot Goal (The Where):
Achieving 80% of revenue from online sources with 50,000 users by 2025

“This allowed our senior management team to co-create our strategy,” said Nina. “It’s different from top-down approaches, giving our team ownership of our plan. It empowered the Pakko team to embark on its Moonshot with renewed focus and a clear sense of purpose.”

Nina acknowledged the Moonshot challenge, saying, “When we first shared our Moonshot with the rest of the team, some of them thought we were crazy. But having that challenging goal has stimulated excitement for the whole team, and all initiatives we undertake are aligned to it.”

Enhanced Team Culture

The Where and The Why Workshop had a profound impact on Pakko’s team culture. Nina said, “It created unity, bridging the gap between our office and factory teams. Everyone plays a vital role in our success, and this Workshop helped us work together more effectively.”

The team’s newfound unity was crystalised in The Where and The Why Poster that displayed in Pakko’s lunchroom. Nina emphasised, “Our poster serves as a constant reminder of our strategy and keeps us accountable. It guides our decision-making, ensuring alignment with our Where and Why.”

The Workshop improved internal communication and empowered junior staff to question initiatives in alignment with the Moonshot and Purpose. Nina added, “Having team members hold me, as CEO, accountable means we have genuine commitment, engagement, and buy-in.”


Pakko’s strategic shift towards a customer-centric approach transformed its marketing and sales efforts. Nina noted, “We now have a clear understanding of who we are and who we serve. Customer personas have refined our marketing message, emphasising quality and being Australian-made. This shift has attracted clients re-shoring to Australia.”


“With everyone pulling in the same direction, we are making gains quicker than expected,” says Nina. “We already have over 25,000 online users.”

Nina stresses the importance of celebrating milestones on the path to the Moonshot. “When we hit 20,000 users, we celebrated with a cake, sharing our progress with the team. It’s crucial to track wins and maintain motivation.”

Nina encouraged others to explore the Workshop, emphasising its engaging and fun nature. She said, “People want to engage, learn, and have fun. The Where and The Why is a unique approach that resonated with our team, and I recommend it to those seeking improved communication and a shared purpose.”


Thanks to Mark Goldsmith for referring Pakko to The Where and The Why Workshop.

Case Studies