Case Study:

Ticket to Triumph: Achieving Success Against All Odds

From Crisis to Clarity

Clear strategic plan helps navigate uncertainty and envision a brighter future

Metrics that Matter

Transparent team communication keeps everyone in rhythm

Rocking the Moonshot

On track to achieve 80% impossible Moonshot goal

Oztix has a strong reputation as a market leader and Australia’s largest independent ticketer, providing ticketing services to the music and entertainment industries. Oztix Founder and Director, Stuart Field, and the leadership team undertook The Where and The Why Workshop in May 2021 at the peak of the COVID pandemic.

Setting the Stage: The Power of Strategic Planning in Uncertain Times

“The COVID-19 Pandemic was a very challenging time for Oztix,” says Stuart. “Like many businesses, we suffered an overnight revenue drop-off, back to nothing, when the first lockdown was announced. Our unique challenge was that our workload peaked.”

“Working in live events, within 24 hours we had over 5,000 emails from customers asking about their tickets, shows and refunds and also hundreds of events impacted that needed rescheduling, communication and planning. This trend of peak workload continued over the subsequent weeks and then months, so it was extremely challenging for us to have no revenue but peak workload, and not only that, we had to continue to do the same work in postponing shows over and over again.”

“Strategic planning during that time, through The Where and The Why Workshop, was a great opportunity to engage the team in the longer term journey beyond lockdowns, cancellations and postponements,” says Stuart. “At a time when many staff were struggling with the day-to -day workload and life’s challenges, it allowed us, as a leadership team, to focus on the future. We knew we were going to come out of this stronger, even though it was hard to see at the time.”

Rocking the Moonshot: A Bold Vision for Future Success

“The story of the original Moonshot, with JFK and putting the man on the moon within a decade, was a great reference point to highlight that what we think might be impossible, is possible. For us, it signified the existence of a pathway beyond the COVID challenges we were facing.”

“The best part of the Where and The Why Workshop was looking at our business with a longer term view,” says Stuart. “We tend to get caught up in the day-to-day running of the business and don’t spend enough time on the longer term future.”

“The singularity of a Moonshot goal: 30 Million Experiences by 2026, certainly helped,” says Stuart. “Also our Why – our Purpose statement: “Because we love it too” is really at the heart of why I started the business and why all of the team work at Oztix. Because we are all huge fans of live music and experiences. Historically we tended to overcomplicate strategic planning with lots of projects, different statements and it was easily lost. Our Where and Our Why are simple and everyone in the team remembers them and are on board.”

Encore of Excellence: Sustaining Momentum for Continued Success

The full Oztix team were inducted into The Where and The Why. Posters of “Our Where and Our Why” were developed in the workshop, and these were printed, framed and displayed around Oztix HQ.

“It’s easy to come up with information and plans and circulate them to the team, but this can be detailed or overwhelming,” says Stuart. “The simplicity of The Where and The Why makes it easy to remember for the everyone.”

“We include The Where and The Why in our daily staff updates and other comms, so our Moonshot and Purpose are constantly at the front of team members’ minds so they can clearly see the journey we are on.”

“We came up with a measurement of how many experiences we would need to achieve each month to get to our goal of 30 million,” says Stuart. “Then each month we track the actual v target and report on that to the team. Now they are constantly thinking about what they are doing, projects or development initiatives and “Will this help us achieve our Moonshot?


Unleashing Rockstar Performance: From Strategy to Results

“We constantly remind the team that our Moonshot is a stretch goal and is meant to be 20% achievable, 80% unachievable. But the most exciting thing is, almost 2-years into the journey, we are ahead of our target!”

“I would certainly recommend The Where and The Why Workshop to all businesses as we got so much value from the experience,” says Stuart. “The old saying about spending time working on the business and not in the business was not only true for the process we went through, but it has helped us to maintain this as a longer term focus. Rock on!”

Case Studies