Case Study:

World Changing Infrastructure: The Workshop that Transformed Phronis Consulting

Set Ambitious Goals

Formulation of exciting Moonshot and Vision

Purpose Discovery and Definition

Commitment to making a positive impact

Build a Strong Culture

Shared Values to guide and unite the team

The Where and The Why Workshop helps teams to define why they exist, what they stand for, where they want to go and how they plan to get there. The Workshop helped Phronis articulate their identity as a company, define their Purpose, and establish a clear plan for the future.

Defining The Where and The Why for Phronis

Phronis defined their Purpose as “Inspired delivery of world-changing infrastructure,” through The Where and The Why Workshop. The Purpose statement reflects their commitment to making a positive impact on the world, and their clients,  through their infrastructure projects. By aligning their work with a meaningful Purpose, Phronis has been able to attract and engage clients, partner organisations, and staff. 

Impact on Customer Relationships

“Our clients and our team are excited to be involved with us, as we deliver on our Purpose of World Changing Infrastructure,” says Phronis Director, Joanne Nugent. “Our story and offering has been described as ‘refreshing’, which is the experience  we set out to create for infrastructure delivery when we started the business in 2012.”

Clear Moonshot and Vision Drives Strategy

The Workshop also resulted in the formulation of a 5-year Moonshot aspiration for Phronis: “To drive a half-life of waste in infrastructure to a year.” This ambitious goal demonstrates Phronis’ commitment to sustainability and their desire to minimise waste in their projects. It serves as a guiding Vision for the company’s future endeavours.

The defined Purpose and Moonshot, and Vision serve as guiding principles for strategic choices and resource allocation.“There is now more clarity and structure to make informed decisions that align with our long-term Vision,” says Joanne.

Distinct and Meaningful Company Values

The company Values defined through The Where and The Why Workshop provide a shared set of principles and beliefs that guide decision-making and team behaviour. Phronis Values create the only truly unique form of competitive advantage – something that can’t be replicated. They are what sets Phronis apart from others:

  • Think Differently
  • Deliver Powerfully
  • Play as a Team

Cultural Engagement

The Workshop’s impact on culture is also notable. Phronis’ Purpose has fostered a sense of shared passion and understanding among the team members. “Our Purpose has also supported our recruitment and retention strategies, growing the team by 20% over 12-months and our team is supportive of extra effort because they understand our Why,” says Joanne. Phronis’ innovative and world-changing Purpose are reflected in tangible ways, such as purchasing a company Tesla for the entire team to use, further reinforcing the team’s commitment to our Purpose and Values.


Overall, The Where and The Why Workshop has played a vital role in shaping Phronis’ strategy, culture, and customer relationships. By defining their Purpose, setting an ambitious Moonshot aspiration, and establishing company Values, Phronis has gained clarity, attracted clients who align with their Purpose, and created an engaged and motivated team that supports their Vision of delivering world-changing infrastructure.

Thanks to Business Coach, Juli Forrest, for referring Phronis Consulting to The Where and The Why Workshop.

Case Studies