Case Study:

Values Your Team Will Love and Live

"Defined Our Core Values in a Fun and Inclusive Way"

"The Driving Force Behind Our Success"

"Truly Transformed Our Organisation"

John Clark, Founder, Ant Packaging

Many organisations put generic Values statements on their website such as “Service… Quality…Teamwork…” that are meaningless and are supposed to impress potential customers, but the internal team don’t even know they exist.
We’ve spent the last 5-years developing creative, authentic, and engaging Values for hundreds of teams. Values support your organisation’s Purpose and should inform the delivery of your product or service.

Defining Your Values as a Team

Through The Where and The Why Workshop, we create a fun experience to co-create your Values with your team. According to McKinsey research, when team members contribute to the development of initiatives, they are 3.4 times more likely to be successful. The result is that Values are meaningful for the team and an enhanced culture. We find that culture typically improves +35% within 8-months following our strategic planning workshop.

Authentic Values

Values are something that you can consciously choose and be proactive about. Once they are stated, it’s important that they are true, authentic and the team is committed to them.

Stating Values is your chance to say:
  • This is who we are.
  • This is what we stand for.
  • This is how we do what we do.
  • This is how we’re different.

Make Your Values Fun and Engaging

Who wants to live by boring, generic, and meaningless Values? No one! Through the Workshop, we’ll develop creative Values that are engaging for everyone.

Take for example, Bangalow-based sustainable packaging manufacturer, Ant Packaging. Together we developed Values using their “Ant” theme:

  • “Ant Colony” represents togetherness,
  • “Ant Ant-ics” is about teamwork,
  • “Ant-icipation” means rise to challenges, and
  • “Brilli-ant” describes the team’s high standards.

“This was a game-changer for the Ant Packaging team,” says Founder, John Clark. “In the Workshop defined our core Values in a fun and inclusive way, which really engaged our staff. We’ve fostered an inclusive culture, encouraged innovation, and celebrated achievements along the way. It’s truly transformed our organisation, and we highly recommend it to others!”

Behaviours that Support Values

For each Value, it’s also important to articulate a team behaviour that supports it, so the team knows how they are expected to behave. Often these are used for recruitment, induction, and performance reviews. “Having clearly articulated behaviours to support the Values makes it easy for the team to understand our expectations,” says John.

Bringing Values to Life

Once Values have been defined, they cannot just be passive statements. “Clarity of Values has helped engage our team in where we are going and knowing what part they play in it,” says Oztix Founder and Director, Stuart Field. “Not only this, but we have also tied in our Values into an annual set of staff awards. We break the staff into small teams with representatives from each department and each month they nominate staff who have done something that matches our Values. Each team then nominates a staff member who deserves a nomination for each Value, and we report on and track progress. What this has achieved is a constant focus on our Values and it also reinforces the behaviours we want to see. Now everyone in the business calls out when there are positive things done by team members.”


“Values that say “This is us. This is who we are. This is what we stand for.” is very powerful.” adds Mark Dezius, Operations Manager, Hayes Spraying.

Next Steps

Do you need help in defining your organisation’s Values? We can help! Book a free discovery call. One small step for you, One giant leap for your team.

Case Studies